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A-About Zeka-A

`~Name-Masaka Zeka
`~Alias-Queen Of Hell
`~Character-strong,perverse,frendly but she likes to revenge,selfish
`~Blood tipe-vampire
`~Family-Masaka Yukiko, Masaka Harumi, Masaka Mako, Masaka Ayko Akyra, Masaka Yoko
`~Powers:The three wishes,Gates of Hell,Last darkness
`~Boyfriend:Rei Kage
Me..I hope you like it
Me..I hope you like it

Comments • 31

ikochan 23 June 2011  
FuyukoMatsukya 21 May 2011  
frumoasa :*
MasakaYoko 10 May 2011  
am 5 frati sunt cea mai mica deci mie mi se acorda totul:)) de la atentie pana la bautura:))
MasakaZeka 10 May 2011  
da da:)))
azumyuchiha 9 May 2011  
zeka ce frum esti:X:X:X:X:X:X
MasakaZeka 9 May 2011  
ohh::X:Xsi tuh papusiko[:))]:X:X
SiimmEatNoobs 8 May 2011  
Yur cuutiie :x
AmYaCiRoNo 7 May 2011  
AyKoAkYrA 6 May 2011  
MasakaZeka 6 May 2011  
sormeo:X:X:X:***..ce faci iubire:))?
AyKoAkYrA 7 May 2011  
eii pe aci pe p.c.:))..thu??
MasakaZeka 7 May 2011  
tot pe aici:)
MasakaMako 6 May 2011  
LadySamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :))
MasakaZeka 6 May 2011  
imi place cum suna....continua:))
MasakaMako 6 May 2011  
inseamna BABA SAMA
MasakaZeka 6 May 2011  
aja imi spui mereu ji mam obijnuit=))
MasakaHarumi 7 May 2011  
oo dechi poth sa daw anuntz??:)):))okee babutzo da nu uitha batikutzu:)):))
MasakaZeka 9 May 2011  
ce X(..nu ji tuhhhh T_T:))
AmYaCiRoNo 6 May 2011  
zeka meah:X:X:X
MasakaZeka 6 May 2011  
xJustRainbowLollipopx 6 May 2011  
hey sys>:D<:*:*
MasakaZeka 6 May 2011  
hey sys`ulikutza:X:X
narcisasalbatica 6 May 2011  
is nice but add more if you can do I know that much bother
MasakaHarumi 7 May 2011  
omg o.O
MasakaZeka 9 May 2011  
nu`ti face griji aja face tot timpul..zapacita asta de Diana
MasakaZeka 6 May 2011  
yaeh...but shut up...obsessed with soap operas
MasakaHarumi 6 May 2011  
arr sys;)youre soo damn cool;):)):)):))love ya sys:*thnx
MasakaZeka 6 May 2011  
nya:X:X my sys..::X:XI love you too:X:X:X
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